I don’t usually post political/religious content as I tend to stick to idiocy from quackery and health scams. I came across this
blog on Facebook. Needless to say, the title grabbed my attention, and not in a good way. “10 Reasons Why Homosexual “Marriage” is Harmful and Must be Opposed”
Must be Opposed? Oh I sense the idiocy must be rampant here, but ok ok, let’s give it a read and see if there are any valid points (what was I thinking? Lol).
There first point: 1. It Is Not Marriage
They state that marriage has always been a covenant between a man and a woman. This is demonstrably false, even in the bible as there are stories of polygamy, incest and other marriages. Outside of the bible many different cultures had various different arrangements. Before the bible (yes the Earth is older than 10,000 years) there were various different types of relationships.
They state that specific primary purpose of marriage is to have children. Well first off, you can have children without marriage. Human physiology has more to say about that than some man-made biblical law. This also brings up the question of those that marry and chose to not have children and those that are unable to have children. According to their statement, these people are not fulfilling the purpose of marriage. I think it’s weird that they don’t mention anything about love or companionship. I guess those are moot in their religious eyes?
Point 2: It Violates Natural Law
I’m not sure if they understand what natural means as there are clear examples of homosexual activity in the natural world. It can’t be sanctioned by a god as by definition a god is supernatural and thus natural law cannot be a product of such. So the reality is that their perceived view of natural law holds no weight in the real world
Point 3: It Always Denies a Child Either a Father or a Mother
Sometimes yes that is true. That can happen in a hetero relationship as well. Again though, there are various types of relationships and in that case, also various types of child-rearing. Some cultures have a village bringing up the children where various people (both sexes) take responsibility. Many cultures have other family help out (grandparents, aunts, cousins, other siblings...). Some same-sex relationships have children from previous hetero relationships and thus the child can have a father or mother as well. Many children grow up with mentors and teachers as well helping with child raising.
Suffice to say, the blog has a very narrow view of the real world and only thinks one-dimensionally.
Point 4: It Validates and Promotes the Homosexual Lifestyle
Well I would hope it validates it as everyone is worthy of loving another and vice-versa. I think here they might be worried that children will become gay. That’s just not how it happens. Even if one could argue it’s all a choice (it’s not), children often don’t choose the same course as their parents. The concern just doesn’t make any sense any way you look at it.
Point 5: It Turns a Moral Wrong into a Civil Right
Well, morality is subjective here, but if we are to go by the bible, again I must bring up things like incest. Also consider issues with women viewed as property and the various other atrocities we no longer morally follow from the bible.
Point 6: It Does Not Create a Family but a Naturally Sterile Union
We’ve already touched upon the different types of child-rearing available in point 3. Now let’s add in adoption. It is also important to point out the issues of population growth on our planet. We have finite resources. To behave otherwise is to be irresponsible. Some choose not to add to the plight of the planet. Some live full and happy lives without children. Again, marriage isn’t just about having children.
Point 7: It Defeat’s the State’s Purpose of Benefiting Marriage
Again they focus on raising children and morality. See previous points.
Point 8: It Imposes Its Acceptance on All Society
You don’t have to accept it. You have that freedom, just as others have the freedom to accept it. I think the thing these people forget is that not everyone is a carbon copy of them. A very simple concept is that freedom allows for different choices and views. As long as one is not disallowing the freedom and rights of another go for it. No one is forcing you into a homosexual relationship. If you find the idea of same-sex “ickky”, that’s ok. I find certain actions of some people not to my liking/taste. The difference is I don’t propose to stop them. It’s cliche but “Live and let live” works here.
Point 9: It Is the Cutting Edge of the Sexual Revolution
I don’t know about you, but “cutting edge” sounds like a good thing lol.
I think it’s ironic here how they bring up the slippery slope to incest when some stories in the bible endorse incest. Obviously the logical arguments against incest and pedophilia are clear. Genetics warn us that there are potential dangers to incestual sex in regards to offspring. In regards to pedophillia, it is simply a matter of children not being of the age to make a distinction of risks and issues of sex and thus cannot legally consent. Pedophillia is then taking the rights away from the child.
Of course if you want to get into consent, then consider the atrocities of condoned rape in the bible.
Point 10: It Offends God
Well, you can’t go by the bible to discern your god’s thinking as it clearly has issues (rape, incest, etc).
Thus any assertion of offence on behalf of a god is moot as there is no means to clearly identify such.