Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Glyphosate (RoundUp) in Cereals

Glyphosate (RoundUp) in Cereals

A "study" put out by EWG (Environmental Working Group) has claimed that there are dangerous levels of Glyphosate in cereals. 

 Is this this true and is there something to worry about?

First let’s consider the source:  EWG.   This group is funded by the organic lobby so it has a clear bias.  Critics have labelled EWG tactics as "alarmist", "scaremongering" and "misleading".  They have been debunked many times so anything that they put out is highly questionable.  The EWG also likes to position itself as an official agency.  Many people are unaware of this and just assume it has credibility.

Second: The EWG admits that “The Products meet the regulatory standards set by the federal Environmental Protection Agency.”  The EPA is a legit agency.  So any levels the EWG are claiming are recognized as safe then.

Third:  The Environmental Protection Agency has said that glyphosate is not likely to be carcinogenic to humans.    The EWG likes to bring up a recent court case where a farmer sued Monsanto as proof that it is a problem.  Remember that court cases are not science.  Court cases are not always about the truth or reality.  The bulk of the scientific evidence is that glyphosate is perfectly safe.  “Even at the highest level reported by the EWG (833 ppb), an adult would have to eat 158 pounds of the oat-based food every day for the rest of their life to reach the strict limits set by the EPA."  The safety threshold level proposed by the EWG is 100 times lower than any oversight agency around the world.

Fourth:  The study was a round of tests and not peer reviewed.  Hardly a credible study by any means.

Suffice to say, there is no concern and disregard any info put out by the EWG as they have shown time and time again to be misleading.

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