Monday, September 10, 2018

Glyphosate in Food Fear is not Warranted

Don't be fooled by the misleading hype headlines. There's a lot of misinformation out there. The Environmental Working Group has done some testing and found glyphosate in some cereal. Oooooh Scary right? Not really if you are educated and don't fall for fear-mongering.

The EWG is constantly criticized by actual scientists ( Here they found that there were trace amounts in some cereals. The highest level was 1300 parts per that again "per billion"! That's 0.0000013%. The LD50 of glyphosate is 5600mg/kg. So an adult at 70kg would have to consume 392,000mg to reach that. That is nearly 1 pound. So in order to reach that level of toxicity with the EWG figures you would have to consume 301538.462 1kg boxes. So if you consumed 1 box/day it would take 826 years to do eat that much.

Yeah, that's what I thought. lol. Like I said, needless fear-mongering.

*note, my math is not the greatest and the EWG numbers I got from a few sources online. They may be slightly off (now looking at other articles) but the idea is still there that there is no real concern.

Health Canada has set a maximum residue level of glyphosate in oats at 15,000 parts per billion. So this is all well below that threshold.  Toxicology is determined by dosage (among other factors). Everything is a poison in the right dose. The fact is that nowadays we can find traces of almost anything if a lot of products because we can find parts per billion and even parts per trillion. It would be more surprising if one didn't find traces of something. Something to consider

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